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Friday, September 24, 2010

Brazil on the Rise by Larry Rohter

Forty seven years have passed since Charles Wagley's  Introduction to Brazil (1963) was published, which became a classic on Brazilian studies in the English-speaking world.  Larry Rohter, who served as the New York Times bureau chief in Rio de Janeiro for fourteen years, has just recaptured the spirit of Brazil, giving his readers a fresh and up-to-date account of culture and politics of a country that continues to fascinate people around the globe. He uncovers how Brazilians handle the burden of being custodians of the Amazon rainforest; Brazil’s latest exports, from the samba, supermodels, and soccer, to airplane parts; the myth of Brazil’s sexually charged culture, with three-quarters of the population devoutly Roman Catholic; how drug-controlled shanty-towns thrive amidst the world’s highest standard of living.  I truly recommend Brazil on the Rise.  It is a fascinating account of my country.   
Neda Bezerra
                 The Author: Larry Rohter

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